Our Staff

The people behind the passion

Haskel staff work here, not merely as a profession, but out of deep, unquenching passion to help young people with disabilities succeed in life.

Rabbi A Sugarman

Founder of Haskel, School Governor

Rabbi Sugarman has a wealth of experience in his communal work and involvement in local education. He runs Areivim, Gateshead Mechina’s Kodesh support program, he is the benefits and welfare advisor for JCCG, and he is the proud father of Chaim Saul, the catalyst for Haskel.

In November 2021, Rabbi Sugarman was awarded a richly deserved MBE for his services to education and special education.

Mrs S Sugarman

Head Teacher

Mrs Sugarman has a wealth of experience in child development, from both her devotion and involvement in her own son’s special needs, and also her previous occupation as manager of Matov children centre creche. She earned the headteacher qualification, NPQH, in August 21.

Rabbi A Oppenheimer

School Governor

Rabbi Oppenheimer carries many years experience with Ofsted inspections and education and currently oversees college courses in the Gateshead Seminary for Girls.

Mr S Wittler

School Governor

Mental Health lead for Gateshead Hatzola and Chaplain for the CNTW NHS Mental Health Trust.

Rabbi Y Spiro

School Governor

Also in Be’er Hatorah Yeshiva

Rabbi A Oppenheimer

School Governor

Rabbi Oppenheimer carries many years experience with Ofsted inspections and education and currently oversees college courses in the Gateshead Seminary for Girls.

Mr S Wittler

School Governor

Mental Health lead for Gateshead Hatzola and Chaplain for the CNTW NHS Mental Health Trust.

Rabbi Y Spiro

School Governor

Also in Be’er Hatorah Yeshiva

Rabbi G Schauder

Senior Lead

Rabbi Schauder is a lecturer in Nezer Hatorah Yeshiva.

Rabbi G Schauder

Senior Lead

Rabbi Schauder is a lecturer in Nezer Hatorah Yeshiva.

Mrs J Salzer

Head of Kodesh

Mrs Salzer has an incredible 36 years of teaching experience, which is reinforced by her teacher’s degree in education, QTS B-Ed, acquired in 2001.

Mrs J Hall Bsc

SENCo and Curriculum Lead

Mrs Hall boasts the QTS teacher’s qualification since 2003 and holds a bachelor of science.

Mrs D Katz


Mr Wright

Maths and Science teacher

Mrs Wildsmith

Art Lead

Mrs Dimmick


Mrs Tough


Mrs C Jacobson

Teacher (QTLS)

Rabbi Fulda

Teacher (QTLS)

Mrs Morton


Kodesh Staff:

Rabbi Hoffman, Rabbi Adler, Rabbi Krausz, Mrs Herskowitz, Mrs Salomon


are provided by Jigsaw Therapies.


Mrs Ellinson, Mrs Shube, Mrs Katzauer, Miss Mimran, Miss Schleider, Miss Holder, Miss Gittleson, Miss S Salomon, Miss R Salomon, Miss S Grunewald, Miss SM Herskowitz, Mrs Ohayon, Mrs Davis, Miss T Goldstein, Mrs Jacobs, Miss S Samuels, Miss C Roth, Miss E Fletcher, Miss T Lieberman, Miss A Sassoon

Mrs Tough


Mrs C Jacobson

Teacher (QTLS)

Rabbi Fulda

Teacher (QTLS)

Kodesh Staff:

Rabbi Hoffman, Rabbi Adler, Rabbi Krausz, Mrs Herskowitz, Mrs Salomon


are provided by Jigsaw Therapies.


Mrs Ellinson, Mrs Shube, Mrs Katzauer, Miss Mimran, Miss SChleider, Miss Holder, Miss Gittleson, Miss S Salomon, Miss R Salomon, Miss S Grunewald, Miss SM Herskowitz, Mrs Ohayon, Mrs Davis, Miss T Goldstein, Mrs Jacobs, Miss S Samuels, Miss C Roth, Miss E Fletcher, Miss T Lieberman, Miss A Sassoon